By: Lauren Cerda, 2L
Prometea is an artificial intelligence tool developed and pioneered in Argentina with the goal of streamlining bureaucratic processes and optimizing the delivery of justice to benefit citizens. While many countries remain skeptical about integrating artificial intelligence into the judicial system due to concerns over reliability, Prometea seeks to address these challenges. The primary motivation for developing this system was the growing concern within public institutions about the time constraints imposed by routine operational tasks. For example, in 2016, the Prosecutor’s Office allocated 66% of its time to such tasks, many of which were well-suited for automation. Thus, to enhance operational efficiency and free up time to address more complex issues or to focus on strategic priorities, the adoption of Prometea was pursued.
The platform features a user-friendly interface and employs advanced algorithms to identify patterns and generate predictions based on statistical criteria. It is trained to analyze data from previous cases, comparing new inputs to historical case information. When a match is found, Prometea proposes a solution by drawing on the outcomes of similar cases, ensuring that decisions are made based on analogous circumstances.
The introduction of this tool has significantly transformed the efficiency of the judicial system in Argentina. In approximately twenty seconds, it can provide an applicable solution by simply entering a case number. Once Prometea identifies the solution, users can complete the legal opinion by answering a few prompts, after which a preview of the final document is displayed for online editing. In essence, the AI automatically generates the first draft of the document, and the judicial decisions are generated in an expedited manner.
Prometea has achieved impressive results, predicting court rulings with an accuracy rate of ninety-six percent. In a notable example, it produced 1,000 rulings on suspending probation for drunk drivers in just twenty-six days—a process that would typically take 110 days if manually done by overworked employees. Furthermore, at the Colombian Constitutional Court, which handles thousands of filings daily, the time required to select urgent cases was reduced from ninety-six days to just two minutes. In terms of housing rights, Prometea reduced the time needed to process 1,000 rulings from 174 days to just forty-five days. Similarly, for labor rights cases, what previously took eighty-three days to process 1,000 filings is now accomplished in just five days, while ensuring compliance with all formal requirements.
While the innovative artificial intelligence platform has demonstrated significant success, it is crucial to recognize that its operations are still subject to human supervision to ensure justice is properly executed. Nevertheless, if widely adopted, this technology has the potential to further enhance judicial efficiency and streamline bureaucratic processes, enabling individuals to receive timely justice without the added burden of excessive costs and time.