About the Inter-American Law Review

The University of Miami Inter-American Law Review (formerly Lawyer of the Americas) was founded in 1969 as an extension of Miami’s position as the “gateway to the Americas.”  The Inter-American Law Review is a scholarly legal periodical, which provides a forum in which major international and inter-American legal developments are discussed. With over 800 alumni practicing around the world, the Inter-American Law Review’s reach is truly global.

The Inter-American Law Review publishes articles, casenotes, comments, current reports, and special features by distinguished authorities and law students on international banking and finance, taxation, international trade and commerce, the oceans and aviation, immigration, and Latin American economic integration.  All articles are subjected to a rigorous editorial process, culminating in high-quality publications.  As a student-run organization, student editors make all editorial and managerial decisions.

In addition to publication, the Inter-American Law Review hosts the annual “Lawyer of the Americas” banquet, which honors a member of the legal community who has demonstrated outstanding and exemplary legal service on a domestic and international scale.  Past honorees include federal judges, ambassadors, and prominent legal practitioners.  Information regarding the banquet can be found here.

Lawyers, businessmen, professors, and students of inter-American and international law will find the Inter-American Law Review an invaluable source of information regarding recent legal developments in the Western Hemisphere.

The Inter-American Law Review publishes one volume per year composed of two issues published in the Fall and Spring.  The current print issue can be found here.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, the Inter-American Law Review will publish its 54th volume.

Cite as: U. Miami Inter-Am. L. Rev.

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