Category Archives: Professional Blog

Canadian Border Travel Restrictions Have Created Temporary Business Opportunities for US Transportation Companies, But When and How Will the Border Open up Again?

By: Daniel DeWitt, 2L Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S.-Canada border has been closed to non-essential travel for more than a year. Since March of 2020, the border has been shut down and extended on a month-by-month basis, now through May 2021. The restrictions have made it difficult and costly for Canadians to return home […]

Arbitrating Telecommunications Disputes in Latin America: A Strategic Sector in a Complex Region

By: Edgar Bustamante 1.              Introduction In the first section, I will refer to the regional developments and historical data about telecommunications infrastructure in Latin America. Secondly, I will establish the background of telecommunications in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the political and economic transformations that developed in the region during those years. I will […]

Startup B2B Conflicts: Arbitration of Technology Sector Disputes in Latin America

By: Thaís Amaral Dourado 1.              Introduction Startups are not only about interplanetary trips and video game engineering.  Well, they are about it too.  These projects are precisely what the American unicorn startup companies SpaceX and Epic Games have been working on. SpaceX was valued at US$33.3 billion in 2019[1] and Epic Games at almost US$15 […]

The Scope of New Brazilian Investment Protections: Intellectual Property and the Limits of an Alternate Approach

By: Ana Sarmento 1.              Introduction Bilateral investment treaties (BITs) are “international agreements establishing the terms and conditions for private investment by nationals and companies of one state in another state.”[1] BITs usually provide for investor-state arbitration, a mechanism that allows an investor to bring an arbitral claim against a state to enforce the BIT’s protections.  Brazil has […]