Tag Archives: Colombia

Colombia Declares War on Junk Food

Photo Credit: Jeff Greenberg/Universal Images Group/Getty Images By: Camila Real, 2L Colombia has become one of the first countries to pass a health tax on junk food. Its new Tax Reform Bill imposes a gradual phase of tax increases on ultra-processed foods and foods high in salt and saturated fats. Ultra-processed foods will incur an […]

Up in the Air: Colombia’s Continuing Fight Against Coca Production

By: Cole Baldecchi, 2L Colombia battles the cultivation of coca plants, which is the main ingredient in cocaine. While the country has combatted the production of this plant with various methods—many of which have failed—it seems the Colombian government is once again looking back to an old ally against the fight: the aerial spraying of […]

Indignados: What the 2019 Civil Uprisings can Teach Us in 2020

By: Gabriela Valentín Díaz, 2L Civil unrest in Latin American and Caribbean countries over the past year share many similarities. Perhaps most notably, Latin American constituents expressed their discontent with government actions that perpetuate corruption and inequality. Puerto Rican citizens took to the streets for the second time in less than eight months, demanding the […]

A Tale of Two Trade Blocs: The Rise of the Pacific Alliance and the Eventual Fall of Mercosur

By: Rafael Paz, 2L It was the best of trade blocs, it was the worst of trade blocs. It was the age of free trade, it was the age of protectionism. Some trade blocs get a deal with the EU, some . . . don’t. Mercosur, the South American customs union comprised of Brazil, Argentina, […]