Tag Archives: constitutional amendment

Chile’s Civil Unrest Inspires Much-Needed Efforts to Rewrite the Country’s Constitution

By: Amber Couzo, 2L Chile has been facing a state of unrest in recent weeks, as tens of thousands of civilians took to the streets in protest. A protest that first started about hikes in subway fares exemplifies Chileans demand for a new constitution. On November 10, 2019, the Chilean government finally gave into protestors’ […]

Bolivia’s President Evo Morales Pushes for Fourth Term, Adding Yet More Uncertainty to the Future of U.S.-Bolivia Relations

BY SARAH HANNERS- In his most decisive victory yet, incumbent Bolivian President Evo Morales Ayma (Evo) and his Moviemiento al Socialismo (MAS) party dominated the polls in the national elections of October 2014, securing the Presidency with 61% of the votes. In a country whose Constitution permits Presidents to serve for two terms, Evo is […]