Tag Archives: FIFA

Federal Judge Vacates FIFA Bribery Convictions, Raising Questions About Scope of Fraud Prosecutions

Photo Credit: Zapiro, published in The Times By: Katherine Murray In a surprising development, a federal judge in the Eastern District of New York vacated the convictions of a former television executive and an Argentine sports marketing company in the FIFA corruption probe. The ruling, rooted in recent Supreme Court precedent, raises questions about the scope […]

What Does The 2014 FIFA World Cup Mean for Human Trafficking in Brazil?

BY CASAUNDRA JOHNSON – In just a couple of months, the 2014 FIFA World Cup will take place in 12 different cities in Brazil.[1] Thousands of people around the world will flock to the country to compete, watch, and celebrate the events. However, such a high profile event comes with the risk of an increase […]

2014 FIFA World Cup: Worldwide Spectacle or Logistical Debacle?

BY JOSH BRANDSDORFER–Over the past week, the American public has heard and seen all about the substandard Olympic Village living conditions in Sochi, Russia for the 2014 Winter Olympics. Various athletes and members of the media alike have tweeted pictures, instagrammed videos, and written blog entries about bathrooms with two toilets, yellow-brown water running from […]