Tag Archives: BRAZIL

Deforestation Levels in Brazil’s Cerrado Region Outpace Levels in the Amazon

Photo Credit: REUTERS/Amanda Perobelli By: Elizabeth Arritola, 2L The Cerrado is a biodiverse savanna region in Brazil located southeast of the Amazon. Although the Cerrado is not as well-known as the Amazon, it houses over 800 bird species and almost 200 mammals, providing up to 30% of Brazil’s biodiversity. The Cerrado also has 60 vulnerable animal species. Many of […]

U.S. and Brazil Strengthen Ties Through Historic Partnership for Workers’ Rights

Photo Credit: Kevin Lamarque/REUTERS By: Damian Barquin, 3L United States President Joe Biden and Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva announced a historic Partnership for Workers’ Rights last month at the U.N. General Assembly in New York. The initiative sets to deepen the strong labor ties between the two nations. It promises to address five urgent […]

Much to the West’s Chagrin, Lula Realigns Brazil with the Global South

By: Théo de Sá-Kaye, 3L Since winning last year’s presidential election, Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva has made his diplomatic ambitions for Brazil crystal clear. In November, before assuming the presidency, Lula made an impromptu trip to the COP27 summit in Egypt, vowing to protect the Amazon. In August, he traveled to Africa, stopping by Angola, São […]

Implications of the Termination of Section 232 Tariff Exemptions For Brazil and Argentina

By: Brittany Husk, 2L   On December 2, 2019, President Trump announced the termination, “effective immediately,” of  Section 232 tariff exemptions previously granted to Argentina and Brazil. The tariff exemptions provided Brazil and Argentina exemptions from the twenty-five percent tariffs on steel imports and ten percent on aluminum imports to the United States. In a […]