Tag Archives: Argentina

Implications of the Termination of Section 232 Tariff Exemptions For Brazil and Argentina

By: Brittany Husk, 2L   On December 2, 2019, President Trump announced the termination, “effective immediately,” of  Section 232 tariff exemptions previously granted to Argentina and Brazil. The tariff exemptions provided Brazil and Argentina exemptions from the twenty-five percent tariffs on steel imports and ten percent on aluminum imports to the United States. In a […]

Politics Taking Precedence Over Law: How Argentina’s Upcoming Presidential Election Will Decide the Future of the Country’s Debt Crisis

BY JOSIAH WOLFSON With current president Cristina Fernández Kirchner unable to run for another consecutive presidential term, the hedge funds look to be waiting to negotiate with one of the more business friendly candidates that will take office at the end of the year. In 2001, Argentina defaulted on nearly $100 billion of its external […]

“Monkey See, Monkey Sue?” American and Argentine Courts Decide Whether to Extend Legal Rights to Apes

BY VALERIE TOTH- Over the past century, many barriers to political and civil rights based on gender, race, and sexual orientation have gradually been eliminated. Will the modern “human” rights movement evolve to eliminate barriers to these rights based on species? Advocates argue that the great apes—gorillas, orangutans, bonobos and chimpanzees—should be granted personhood status, with […]

Argentina’s Long Road to Recovery

BY YULIA NOVIK-Since 2002, when Argentina defaulted on it $95 billion debt, the country has been locked out from international creditors and experienced constant economic decline. Although no visible changes to Argentinian economy have been noted, some prognoses predict a further and more abrupt downfall, while others predict 2014 to be the beginning of Argentina’s […]