Tag Archives: Oil

The Petrobas Downfall and its Effects on Brazil’s Economy and Political System

BY: CHARLES VERCILLO At one time, owning stock in the Brazilian state-owned Petrobas oil company could be described as promising. However, that promise has waned as allegations of corruption and scandal have plunged the company into a formal “wide-ranging investigation” into the company’s business practices. This scandal, popularly known as “Operation Carwash” revolves around a […]

Mexico’s Reform Offers Hope for a New Renewable Energy Market

BY EMILY BALTER The Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law gave Mexico’s energy reform the number two spot on the Top Ten Energy and Natural Resources Issues of 2015, and here’s why. [1] Seventy-seven years ago Mexico created a state-owned monopoly system and “sent foreign competitors packing.” [2] In August of 2014, Mexico’s President, […]

Mexico’s Government Ends Ban on Foreign Investment in Oil Industry

BY RACHEL WALKER– New Law. On Thursday December 12, 3013, the Mexican government opened up its 95-billion-dollar a year industry to foreign investment.[1]  This decision was not without controversy.  By allowing foreign investment in its oil industry, the Mexican government has essentially engaged in the largest reform of its oil industry in the past 75 […]