Tag Archives: Embargo

The Challenges of Internet in Cuba

BY: LUIZ MIRANDA Cuba currently faces many changes due to the recent easing by the United States of its strict Embargo with Cuba. One of these changes relates to the current availability and performance of the country’s internet access. Americans in the United States have come to enjoy widely available internet access. According to the […]

End of an Era? The Cuban Embargo and its Potential Demise

BY ABRAHAM RUBERT-SCHEWEL–The American embargo against Cuba began on October 19, 1960.  It was initiated in response to the rebellion and eventual takeover led by Fidel Castro against the U.S. backed government of Fulgenico Batista.  The conflict peaked during the Cuban Missile crises of 1962, and resulted in President John F. Kennedy ordering a naval […]

International Human Rights and Cuba: Was Imposing an Embargo and Severing Political Ties the Answer?

BY FERNANDO J. VALLE — The Beginning: When Fidel Castro and his supporters overthrew the Batista regime in Cuba in 1959, President Dwight D. Eisenhower formally recognized the new government. However, as the new Castro regime began nationalizing U.S.-held assets, the United States imposed more and more economic sanctions, ultimately resulting in a trade embargo […]