Tag Archives: Terrorism

Conditional Citizenship: Redefining Cruel and Unusual Punishment?

BY LINET SUAREZ- The Canadian Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration recently passed a controversial new law that is challenging conventional notions of citizenship. The new law was first introduced in February 2014 as the Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act.[1] The new law modifies residency requirements, increases fees for applications for citizenship, and expands the age range […]

According to The Immigration and Nationality Act, There Were Three Boston Bombers

BY BENNETT BLACHAR-  Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s horrific acts at the 2013 Boston Marathon deserve no introduction or citations.  Three days later, on the run, they hijacked a Mercedes SUV owned by a Chinese immigrant and entrepreneur known only as “Danny.” Danny facilitated the end of the Tsarnaev manhunt. He escaped their wrath, sprinted across […]