Category Archives: Student Blog

Up in the Air: Colombia’s Continuing Fight Against Coca Production

By: Cole Baldecchi, 2L Colombia battles the cultivation of coca plants, which is the main ingredient in cocaine. While the country has combatted the production of this plant with various methods—many of which have failed—it seems the Colombian government is once again looking back to an old ally against the fight: the aerial spraying of […]

Implications of the Termination of Section 232 Tariff Exemptions For Brazil and Argentina

By: Brittany Husk, 2L   On December 2, 2019, President Trump announced the termination, “effective immediately,” of  Section 232 tariff exemptions previously granted to Argentina and Brazil. The tariff exemptions provided Brazil and Argentina exemptions from the twenty-five percent tariffs on steel imports and ten percent on aluminum imports to the United States. In a […]

A Quiet Revolution in the Golden State: How California Can Nationalize PG&E

By: Alex Duffant, 2L 2019 was the year when paradise plunged into darkness. The wealthiest and most populous part of the United States – California – was ravaged by a wildfire season that led power company Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) to preemptively shut off electricity for millions of people in the northern part of […]

Indignados: What the 2019 Civil Uprisings can Teach Us in 2020

By: Gabriela Valentín Díaz, 2L Civil unrest in Latin American and Caribbean countries over the past year share many similarities. Perhaps most notably, Latin American constituents expressed their discontent with government actions that perpetuate corruption and inequality. Puerto Rican citizens took to the streets for the second time in less than eight months, demanding the […]