Category Archives: Student Blog

Mexico’s Travel Warning

By: Andrea De Ona Mexico is a popular vacation destination for tourists, spanning from teenagers looking to party on spring break to grown-ups seeking adult-only retreat resorts. However, on August 22, 2017, the U.S. Department of State updated a Mexico travel warning that had been in place since December 2016, as gangs and drug cartels […]

Where is Santiago Maldonado?

By: Agustina Kloosterboer Santiago Maldonado, an Argentinian citizen was last seen during a confrontation between border police officers and supporters of a Mapuche indigenous community. The dispute arose from the displacement of these supporters from an area in the Argentinian Patagonia. The country, currently revolutionized, remembers the dark disappearances under Argentina’s military dictatorship in the […]

Are Environmentalists Becoming an Endangered Species?

By: Emily Canney In the United State an environmentalist is not always the most poplular person at a party. Well, in Latin America environmentalist are not just disliked, they are being murdered at an alarming rate. Between the years 2002 and 2015 the U.K.-based NGO Global Witness recorded that more than 900 environmentalist were killed […]