Tag Archives: BRAZIL

Indignados: What the 2019 Civil Uprisings can Teach Us in 2020

By: Gabriela Valentín Díaz, 2L Civil unrest in Latin American and Caribbean countries over the past year share many similarities. Perhaps most notably, Latin American constituents expressed their discontent with government actions that perpetuate corruption and inequality. Puerto Rican citizens took to the streets for the second time in less than eight months, demanding the […]

A Tale of Two Trade Blocs: The Rise of the Pacific Alliance and the Eventual Fall of Mercosur

By: Rafael Paz, 2L It was the best of trade blocs, it was the worst of trade blocs. It was the age of free trade, it was the age of protectionism. Some trade blocs get a deal with the EU, some . . . don’t. Mercosur, the South American customs union comprised of Brazil, Argentina, […]

The Petrobas Downfall and its Effects on Brazil’s Economy and Political System

BY: CHARLES VERCILLO At one time, owning stock in the Brazilian state-owned Petrobas oil company could be described as promising. However, that promise has waned as allegations of corruption and scandal have plunged the company into a formal “wide-ranging investigation” into the company’s business practices. This scandal, popularly known as “Operation Carwash” revolves around a […]

Do Corporate Campaign Donations Rig the Political Game? Brazilian and U.S. Courts Disagree

BY PAUL NUNEZ- The Brazilian Supreme Court recently ruled that a statute allowing corporations to donate to political campaigns was unconstitutional. In so holding, the Brazilian Supreme Court in some ways mirrored the reasoning of Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce, a United States Supreme Court decision overruled by Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission. […]