Author Archives: fvalle

Canada, Where You “Have It Your Way”: A Look at the Growing Trend of Tax Inversion

BY AMY SOTO-  On September 22, 2014, the United States Treasury Department announced a new set of measures aimed at reducing the tax benefits of corporate inversions. The government has struggled as of late to keep U.S.-based companies in America because foreign countries provide a more hospitable tax environment for corporations. The U.S. tax code […]

Small, But Mighty: Barbuda Shores Up Marine Conservation Laws, Sets New Standard in the Caribbean

BY KELLY COX- Home to some of the world’s most diverse underwater ecosystems, the Caribbean has seen the quality of their marine resources decline over the years [1]. Threats to marine resources are commonplace as the region sees the increased adverse effects of climate change, tourism, pollution, overfishing, coastal development and disease in marine species […]

Argentina’s Long Road to Recovery

BY YULIA NOVIK-Since 2002, when Argentina defaulted on it $95 billion debt, the country has been locked out from international creditors and experienced constant economic decline. Although no visible changes to Argentinian economy have been noted, some prognoses predict a further and more abrupt downfall, while others predict 2014 to be the beginning of Argentina’s […]

Brazil Passes Groundbreaking Internet Bill

BY NICOLE SOHN-On March 25, 2014, a majority of Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies passed Brazil’s groundbreaking Internet governance bill, Marco Civil da Internet. While the bill must still go through the Federal Senate for consideration and back to the Chamber of Deputies before it can be sanctioned by President Dilma Rousseff, its proponents are confident […]