Category Archives: Professional Blog

Energy Disputes and Corruption: The Challenges for Brazilian Regional Arbitral Institutions

By: Christiane Freire de Paula Reis 1.              Introduction Corruption and International Arbitration have been around for a long time. It is also true that in the past decades there was a great hike of cases in which both topics are intertwined.  Corruption is everywhere and it is never going to be totally vanished, but due […]

Public Good or Private Commodity: Arbitration and the Privatization of Public Services in Latin America

By: Natalia Jaramillo  1.              Introduction Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude tells the story of mythical Macondo, a utopic town of fantasy created by the patriarch of the Buendía Family, where people lose their memory and resort to fortune tellers to understand their past.[1] For years the town is isolated from the outside […]

Protecting Investment Structures in Latin America: The Panama Annulment of an Ecuador Law Award Against Non-Signatories

By: Rita Halabi 1.              Introduction Most people are risk averse.  That explains why thirty-day return policies and free flight cancellations exist.  That bungee-jumping and sky diving are considered “extreme” rather than “mainstream” sports equally supports the conclusion that by and large, people tend to avoid risk. As it happens, the same is true for investors, […]

The Road from Commisa: Implications for Public Private Arbitration in Mexico

By: John Lechuga 1.  Introduction The last five decades have witnessed a remarkable growth in the rise of public-private contracts and related disputes. On one hand, populist governments have attempted to push to further restrict the arbitration of public contracts.  On the other hand, countries like the U.S. treat public private contracts as if they […]