Category Archives: Student Blog

A Tale of Two Trade Blocs: The Rise of the Pacific Alliance and the Eventual Fall of Mercosur

By: Rafael Paz, 2L It was the best of trade blocs, it was the worst of trade blocs. It was the age of free trade, it was the age of protectionism. Some trade blocs get a deal with the EU, some . . . don’t. Mercosur, the South American customs union comprised of Brazil, Argentina, […]

Global Corruption, Localized Procedures: Whistleblowing Protections in the Americas

By: Lauren Silk, 2L In light of the recent complaint against President Trump alleging solicitation of foreign interference in U.S. elections, whistleblower protections have reemerged as a hot-button topic. Whistleblowing, however, has a long history in our nation’s consciousness, stemming back to 1778 with the passage by Americans of the world’s first whistleblower protection law—finding […]

Chile’s Food Regulations: A Model Approach to Combating Obesity

By: Manuel Ferro, 3L The Burger King – dethroned. Captain Crunch – demoted. Tony the Tiger – extinct. Chilean children’s favorite food mascots are the latest casualties of Chile’s war on obesity. Realizing that it is extremely difficult to change adults’ eating habits, Chile is instead focusing on transforming its youngest generation into a new […]

Biased Elections in Post-Dictatorship Chile: Has the 2015 Electoral Reform Done Enough?

By: Vincent Halloran, 2L In 2015, under the leadership of Pres. Michelle Bachelet, Chile undertook a dramatic electoral reform to address ideological bias and malapportionment endemic to its binomial legislative district model. Unique worldwide, many argue that Chile’s previous electoral system employed two-member legislative districts to preserve the neoliberal influence of the dictatorship and permanently […]