Author Archives: Roland Liwag

Order, Progress and Carioca Environments: A Preface to Study Space V

BY COLIN CRAWFORD — Study Space is on ongoing series of field seminars designed to allow faculty and senior graduate students from multiple disciplines, with the center of gravity in law, to “evaluate human habitats and habits in the 21st century.” The fifth iteration of this series, which I started while the co-director of the […]

Por la Senda Ascendente del Positivismo Naturalista y de la Civilizacion: Aproximacion Panoramica a los Casos de Brasil y Colombia en el Paso del Siglo XIX al XX

BY ANTONIO BARRETO ROZO — En este breve artıculo son contrastados dos escenarios que guardan diversas semejanzas – pero tambien profundas diferencias – como lo son Brasil y Colombia, al explorar ciertos puntos de influencia que ejercio en estos espacios – en el paso del siglo XIX al XX – el cuerpo de pensamiento de […]

Horizons of Inclusion: Life Between Laws and Developments in Rio de Janeiro

BY MARIA CLARA DIAS and LUIS ESLAVA — In this article we explore current debates about social inclusion in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro acheter viagra en pharmacie. Through a comparison of two initiatives that aim to redress socio-economic segregation in Rio, we analyse the ontological position that these programs adopt towards their […]