Author Archives: Alison Rioux

The Seedy Underbelly of the World Cup

BY ALEX CALLE—As the 2014 World Cup quickly approaches, about 600,000 foreign fans are predicted to visit host nation Brazil during the tournament. [1] While most people will visit Brazil for the Soccer festivities, many will go in search of underage prostitutes. [2] Currently, between 250,000 and 500,000 child prostitutes are estimated to be roaming […]

El precio de los pesticidas: La criminalización de la fumigación con plaguicidas en Argentina y las repercusiones nacionales e internacionales

POR JAMIE LYNN VANARIA–El pesticida glifosato es el herbicida más vendido a nivel mundial, debido a su bajo precio  y su eficacia. Por muchos años la comunidad científica ha identificado el glifosato como una substancia que solamente afecta las plantas herbáceas,  la cual no tiene efectos para los humanos y animales. Sin embargo, un sinnúmero […]

A Pathway to the Legal Profession

BY CHELSEA SILVIA–The Florida Supreme Court is currently faced with a highly contentious and unprecedented issue: Whether an undocumented immigrant is eligible for admission to the Florida Bar. Several factors will likely influence the Court’s decision, including policies driving President Obama’s “Deferred Action” program,2 existing federal legislation on immigration,3 and procedural constraints imposed on the […]

Building Social Capital Through Place-Based Lawmaking: Case Studies of Two Afro- Caribbean Communities in Miami— The West Grove and Little Haiti

BY MATTHEW FOWLER–African-Americans, Haitians, and Latinos remain largely racially segregated in impoverished communities. While there has been a small decrease in residential segregation due to the outmigration to the suburbs of a small number of African-Americans, residential segregation has proven to be resistant to change and remains the “structural linchpin” of American race relations.3 The […]