Tag Archives: BRAZIL

Do Corporate Campaign Donations Rig the Political Game? Brazilian and U.S. Courts Disagree

BY PAUL NUNEZ- The Brazilian Supreme Court recently ruled that a statute allowing corporations to donate to political campaigns was unconstitutional. In so holding, the Brazilian Supreme Court in some ways mirrored the reasoning of Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce, a United States Supreme Court decision overruled by Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission. […]

Brazil Passes Groundbreaking Internet Bill

BY NICOLE SOHN-On March 25, 2014, a majority of Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies passed Brazil’s groundbreaking Internet governance bill, Marco Civil da Internet. While the bill must still go through the Federal Senate for consideration and back to the Chamber of Deputies before it can be sanctioned by President Dilma Rousseff, its proponents are confident […]

The Seedy Underbelly of the World Cup

BY ALEX CALLE—As the 2014 World Cup quickly approaches, about 600,000 foreign fans are predicted to visit host nation Brazil during the tournament. [1] While most people will visit Brazil for the Soccer festivities, many will go in search of underage prostitutes. [2] Currently, between 250,000 and 500,000 child prostitutes are estimated to be roaming […]

What Does The 2014 FIFA World Cup Mean for Human Trafficking in Brazil?

BY CASAUNDRA JOHNSON – In just a couple of months, the 2014 FIFA World Cup will take place in 12 different cities in Brazil.[1] Thousands of people around the world will flock to the country to compete, watch, and celebrate the events. However, such a high profile event comes with the risk of an increase […]